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王智弘(2013a)。跨越國際:推動含攝華人文化的心理諮商研究風氣。台灣心理諮商季刊 ,5(1),vi。 [Wang, C. H. (2013a). Crossing the Nations: Promoting the Counseling Research of Chinese Culture-inclusion. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, (5)1, vi.]
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王智弘(2013c):積極投入含攝文化理論建構:以助人專業倫理雙元模型為例。台灣心理諮商季刊,5(3),vi-xi。[Wang, C. H. (2013c). Active involving with the construction of culture-inclusive theory:The Duality Model of Helping Professional Ethics as an example. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 5 (3), vi-xi.]
王智弘(2013d):從文化理解到含攝文化理論之建構:從助人專業倫理雙元模型到研究倫理雙元模型。台灣心理諮商季刊,5(4),vi-xii。[Wang, C. H. (2013d). From culture understanding to culture-inclusive theory construction: The construction of duality model, from helping professional ethics to research ethics. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 5 (4), vi-xii.]
王智弘(2014a):推動亞洲與華人的本土諮商心理學。台灣心理諮商季刊,6(4),vi-viii。[Wang, C. H. (2014a). To promote the indigenous counseling psychology of Asian and Chinese. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 6 (4), vi-viii.]
王智弘(2014c)。立足華人文化、貢獻普世諮商:華人心理諮商本土化學術社群的成立與華人心理諮商本土化專欄的設立。台灣心理諮商季刊,6(1),vi-ix。[Wang, C. H. (2014c). Based on Chinese Culture, Contribution to Universal Counseling:The Founding of Chinese Academic Community of Indigenous Counseling and the Establishment of Column of Chinese Indigenous Counseling. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 6(1), vi-ix.]
王智弘(2014d)。易經的自由聯想:從卦象看性交易少女的輔導。台灣心理諮商季刊,6(2),vi-vii。[Wang, C. H. (2014d). Free Association of Ideas from Book of Chang (Yijing):Discussion on Female Juvenile Prostitution Guidance by Guaxiang (Yijing Poetics). Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 6(2), vi-vii.]
王智弘(2014e)。含攝華人文化的心理諮商與心理治療觀:一次單元諮商模式的建構。台灣心理諮商季刊,6(3),vi-xv。[Wang, C. H. (2014e). Chinese Culture-inclusive View of Counseling and Psychotherapy: The Construction of Single Session Counseling Model. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 6(3), vi-xv.]
王智弘(2015a)。本土諮商心理學的時代意義。台灣心理諮商季刊,7(1),vi-viii。[Wang, C. H. (2015a). The New Era of Indigenous Counseling Psychology. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 7(1), vi-viii.]
王智弘(2015b)。易經對心理諮商本土化的啟發。台灣心理諮商季刊,7(2),vi-vii。[Wang, C. H. (2015b). I-Ching and Indigenous Counseling Psychology. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 7(2), vi-vii.]
王智弘(2015c)。推動心理諮商本土化的行動策略。台灣心理諮商季刊,7(3),vi-vii。[Wang, C. H. (2015c). The Promotion Strategy for Indigenous Counseling Psychology. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 7(3), vi-vii.]
王智弘(2015d)。心理諮商本土化的新據點與新起點。台灣心理諮商季刊,7(4),vi-vii。[Wang, C. H. (2015d). The New Strong and Starting Point for Indigenous Counseling Psychology. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 7(4), vi-vii.]
王智弘(2016a):含攝儒家功夫論的本土專業倫理觀:從助人倫理雙元模型談儒家的倫理自我修為之道。台灣心理諮商季刊,8(2),vi-xii。[Wang, C. H. (2016a). Indigenous view of Confucius culture-inclusive profession ethics: From the Duality Model of Helping Professional Ethics to Confucius way of ethical self-cultivation. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 8 (2), vi-xii.]
王智弘(2016b):本土諮商心理學的目標。台灣心理諮商季刊,8(4),vii-x。[Wang, C. H. (2016b). The goal of indigenous counseling psychology. Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 8 (4), vii-x.]
王智弘(2016c)。開啟一個心理諮商與心理治療的新時代:談世界本土諮商心理學推動聯盟的成立。台灣心理諮商季刊,8(3),vii-ix。[Wang, C. H. (2016c). Open A New Era of Counseling and Psychotherapy: On the Establishment of World Indigenous Counseling Psychology Alliance (WICPA). Taiwan Counseling Quarterly, 8(3), vii-ix.]
王智弘、楊淳斐(2016):一次的力量:含攝華人文化觀點的一次單元諮商模式。台北:張老師文化。[Wang, C. H., & Yang, C. F. (2016). The power of once: Chinese culture-inclusive Single Session Counseling Model. Taipei: Teacher Chang. Taipei. Taiwan: Living Psychology Publishers.]
王智弘(2017):探索本土諮商心理學的發展理路。本土諮商心理學學刊,9(1),vi-xvii。[Wang, C. H. (2017). Exploring the development of indigenous counseling psychology. Journal of Indigenous Counseling Psychology, 9(1), vi-xvii.]
王智弘、劉淑慧、孫頌賢、夏允中(2017)。文化脈絡中的危機、轉機與復原力:本土諮商心理學研究的方向、目標與策略。中華輔導與諮商學報,50,1-28。[Wang, C. H., Liu, S. H., Sun, S. H., & Shiah, Y. J. (2017). Crisis, chance, resilience and culture context: Probing into the direction, goal and strategy of indigenous counseling psychology. Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling, 50, 1-28.]
王精文、王智弘、徐妍榛(2017)。員工協助方案之探索:以聯合服務模式推動台灣科學園區員工協助方案之經驗。輔導與諮商學報,39(2),1-28。[Wang, C. W., Wang, C. H. & Hsu, Y. C. (2017). The Study of Employee Assistance Programs: The Experience of Consortium Employee Assistance Programs Model for Taiwan’s Science Park Enterprises. The Archive of Guidance and Counseling, 39(2), 1-28.]
王叢桂、羅國英(2014)。個人資源與退休對台灣中高齡者心理需求的影響。本土心理學研究,42,251-282,DOI: 10.6254/2014.42.251。[Wang, C. K. & Lo K. Y. (2014). Personal Resources and Influences of Retirement on the Psychological Needs of Aging Taiwanese. Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 42, 251-282.]
王叢桂、羅國英(2013)。嬰兒潮世代退休時期的心理需求與價值:關係主義取向。本土心理學研究,40,3-63,DOI:10.6254/2013.39.3。[Wang, C. K. & Lo K. Y. (2014). The Needs and Values of Taiwan Baby Boomers in Retirement Stage: A Relational Approach. Indigenous Psychological Research in Chinese Societies, 40, 3-63.]